my favourite city

I made my school assignment about the city of Las Vegas. We choose that city because we all thought that was an intersting one and we liked it. I actually learned a lot of things doing this assignment like for example, I didn't know there were so many hotels and casinos and I didn't know about the Stratosphere Tower.

If I had to evaluate myself I would say that I did a good job. I worked properly in class and at home and I prepared the oral presentation. I think I did a good research of information and i summarized all pretty well. I have to admit that I could had worked more in class but in my defense I will say that I work better alone and at home. 

If I had to assess my classmates work I would say it was kind of poor. They barely worked at class because they never were there and when they were, they were talking about other stuff or listening to music. In fact, they eventually did their part but it was a mess and very short. Naiara and Jaume may not have a high level of English but Judith does, and I think she could've done better.  

And last but not least, I had to upload a video about the city I choose. Here's one by my favourite youtubers, The Sister Squad. It may not be 100% cultural but it definitely talks about Las Vegas haha. Enjoy !!
